Conversion Analysis - turn visitors into players
Jun 24, 2009
Want to find out how effective your portal is in converting visitors into players? A simple and easy way is to do a conversion analysis.
This analysis can be done for many different usage scenarios. In the examples below I assume that you have advertised somewhere to find new players. So in my case the following steps apply:
User visit your portal
User gets interested and sign up
User deposit money
User play for real money
User is a reccuring player after x months

In the example above we see that we only get 30% to register and only get 50% of them to deposit money. So this gaming portal should start by focusing on making it easy for the player to sign up and deposit money. If we could increase the number of registrations by 100% then the conversion rate of actual real players would be increased as well.

In the second example above 50% register but only 20% of them deposit money. So here the focus should be on increasing the number of users depositing money.
So start use data to help focus on the right things!
Want to know more about using data in design? Send me an e-mail! :)
I learned about this technique reading this article, How to Measure the Success your Web App,