Ladbrokes Continue To Invest In Technology As Net Online Revenue Decline. Do They Invest In Player Experience As Well?

Feb 16, 2012

Ladbrokes released their preliminary results for 2011 today, pressrelease from Ladbrokes.

For their online section the following was highlighted:

  • Net revenue decline of 3.5%

  • Strong mobile growth with net revenue up 174%

  • Significant expansion of Bet in Play

  • Beta testing of new website underway; full launch in coming weeks

Richard Glynn, Chief Executive also said that Ladbrokes are continuing to invest in technology.

I sure hope that they invest heavily in player experience as well. It isn’t enough anymore to just have a great backend, you need to have a great player experience!

It will be interesting to see their new website and see if there are any innovations. I hope so!


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