Many Swedish operators doesn't live up to Spelinspektionens guidelines for the Responsible Gambling buttons
Feb 25, 2025
To have a Swedish license, operators must meet Spelinspektionens guidelines and rules as well as the Gaming Law.
Spelinspektionen requires the operator to show their three buttons at the top of every page, even when the player scrolls. There are also strict design guidelines for the buttons that effect layout and their function.
The design guidelines states:
"The logos consist of a white plate, a black frame, a symbol, and text. Since each logo is a complete image, it can be made more accessible by replacing the word images (Spelpaus, Spelgränser, Självtest) with plain text, which should be in the Verdana font and match the original design. The logos may also be resized as long as they remain clear. No exceptions to these requirements are allowed."
(you can read the guidelines (in Swedish) here:

When I did a review of all operators with a license this week I found that more than 50% do not live up to the requirements. This is really lousy that after so long many operators can't live up to simple guidelines. They should do better!