Redesign In 20 Minutes (20) – Register For Sit & Go Tournaments At Full Tilt Poker
Jun 3, 2010
I enjoy playing Sit & Go Tournaments and I do it on a few different poker sites, Full Tilt and PokerStars are among the ones I visit the most.
One thing that annoys me big time is when the tournament gets full just when I try to register for it. In this redesign I’ll make a change to the registration flow to make it faster and easier which hopefully makes a player start playing faster. Which in the end means more rake for the operator.
In this redesign I am using Full Tilt in my redesign sketches but the solution looks similar for most poker sites.

Image 1. Task flow when player wants to sign up for a Sit & Go Tournament at Full Tilt Poker
Today when you want to register for a Sit & Go Tournament go through a number of steps and open up a number of new windows as well, as you can see in image 1.
So the registration process takes a few seconds to many and while I am trying to register another player might already have taken the last seat.
Redesign Suggestion

Image 2. My redesign suggestion
The one thing I want to do when I select a tournament is to register for it! So in my suggestion it works like this:
You click on the tournament of interest
The tournament details expand and there is a ”Register” button right there. And if you have Tournament Dollars that can be used for this tournament then that button is shown too. There is also a link ”Go to Tournament Lobby” in case I want to get more tournament details.
This is my 20 minutes take on how it could work instead of today’s solution. What do you think?