Redesign In 20 Minutes (27) – Full Tilt Poker’s Startpage (Web)

Nov 3, 2014

Image 1. Full Tilt's solution

This week’s redesign is about the start page on Full Tilt Poker’s website.

It is a quick fix to give the players another option to download the poker software.

The redesign today only took 1 minute of research and 1 minute to redesign 


Players can click on the red ”Download & Play” button to download the poker client, but they can not click on the guide (step 1 – 3) which I believe should be possible.

Redesign suggestion

Image 2. My redesign suggestion.

The only thing I would add is to make the area with the blue border (it is just to show the area) should also be clickable and let the player download the poker client.

This redesign actually took less than 5 minutes to do 

What do you think?


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