Redesign In 20 Minutes (8) – Login Dialogue In Boss Media’s Instant Poker
Aug 17, 2009
Image 1. Login dialogue – PokerHeaven’s instant poker client.
I believe PokerHeaven and gaming operators using Boss Media’s instant poker are losing players because of a bad user interface.
I watched poker on the Poker Channel yesterday and remembered that I have an account at PokerHeaven so I went to their website. There I noticed that they had an instant version of their poker client which was great since I am using a mac. I started the client and clicked on the login button and came to the login dialogue in image 1.
Since I hadn’t played for about 6 months I’d forgotten my username and password so what to do then? I looked for information in the login dialogue but there wasn’t any information what so ever. What do you do then? I tried a username and password I thought was right but I got an error message saying that I should contact the support since the username or password wasn’t right.
PokerHeaven do have a live support service which is a great service but I shouldn’t need to go back to the portal to retrieve my username and password. It should be available within the poker client!
If a player can’t login to start playing then he is a lost customer! So this week’s redesign makes a few quick modifications to the user interface of the login dialogue in Boss Media’s instant poker client.

Image 2. My suggestion for the login dialogue.
In my suggestion I’ve done a few modifications:
I’ve made the username, password fields and login button in a straight line down so that it is easier to fill out.
I’ve added a ”Forgotten username or password?” link leading to a retrieve username/password function.
I’ve added a ”Live Support” link starting the live support.
I’ve changed the ”Cancel” button into a link insted to make the ”Login” button stand out more.
Small modifications to the user interface can make a big difference in how fast a player can start playing and I believe that these changes can be implemented really fast and will make it easier for a player who has forgotten his login information to get it and start playing faster. I for one did not contact customer support so I didn’t play at PokerHeaven.