The iPad Is Here To Stay! Customize Your Gaming Portal For It!
Sep 13, 2010
Apple has sold more than 3 million iPads world wide so far! It is time to start customizing your gaming content to the plattform and not see it as big iPhone!
Back in May I wrote a blog post, ”It is time for Svenska Spel and every igaming company to get a mobile strategy!”, and a few gaming companies have developed iPhone and iPad Apps already. Betfair and PaddyPower are among the those who have taken it seriously.

But there are still companies who don’t. For instance: bwin (this used to be linked but they asked me to remove the link) who links to their wap portal when you go to (this used to be linked but they asked me to remove the link) using an iPad, Svenska Spel and Bet365 link to their iPhone optimized portal.
Gaming companies need to start presenting their websites in a way that is optimized for the iPad (and other upcoming Android and Windows Mobile tablets).
Ps. inUse are mobile user experience experts and can help your gaming company if you need help developing a mobile strategy or iPad, iPhone and Android Apps. Ds.